Unlike many training companies, FM Guru Training is made up of individuals who have been operational within the Property and Facilities Management sectors, both as Clients and as Service Providers. We have been instrumental in the evolution of the industry and have helped to develop the profession from the front line, it is from this position that we offer a true differentiator to provide effective training to ensure the next generation of professionals can learn from our experience.
We develop and deliver bespoke training programmes for our clients’ facilities teams on each and every aspect of the facilities management remit drawing on proven material from the many hundreds of courses we have created over the years. We develop training materials to support managers in engaging and motivating front line service delivery teams and we provide training and support for individuals from basic introductory courses to FM Masterclasses for senior professionals and personal coaching and mentoring support.
As experience facilities professionals our mission is to assist FM organisations to achieve their strategic goals by enabling their people to provide consistent service excellence at the point of delivery. Our training consultants do this by identifying and developing individual and team competences and behaviours whilst motivating and upskilling staff in innovative and dynamic ways that are fully aligned to each client’s business values. Clients and delegates alike consistently award our courses the highest quality feedback.
As exerienced facilities professionals our mission is to assist FM organisations to achieve their strategic goals by enabling their people to provide consistent service excellence at the point of delivery. We do this by identifying and developing individual and team competences and behaviours whilst motivating and upskilling staff in innovative and dynamic ways that are fully aligned to each client’s business values. Our Training Consultants carry out Training Needs Assessments, provide knowledgable advice on the many FM qualifications and assist our clients in the planning of FM skills programmes.
FM Guru Training specialises in the development of bespoke training courses to meet the specific needs of particular clients. However over the years we have developed course material in all of the myriad aspects of facilities management, many of which can be run as open courses if there is sufficient demand or for in-house teams where they meet the need and the cost of developing new matierial can be avoided. Here is just a sample of the hundreds of modules we have available.
If you have any kind of FM related training need we can help. Just call 01908 282915
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Click here to read this course outline